How to recession-proof your marketing mix!

Episode Notes
In today’s episode, Chris Lawson and Jordan Woolf take on some of the Modern Marketer’s largest concerns. Trying to recession-proof your marketing mix requires more than just solid content and the ability to pivot… Listen to hear real-life takes on Vanity Metric chasing, Social lead generation concepts, and learn what mindset you should have as a Marketing Professional.January 11, 2023

Recession How to recession-proof your marketing mix!
Episode: 01Key Topics:
Vanity Metrics and how to measure them (Improving the discipline)
 – What is a Vanity Metric
 – Corporate Objectives vs Marketing Measurement vs Bottom line
 – Examples of how this is done
Social Media as a Lead Generator
 – How are different platforms built and who are they for?
 – Placement in the ‘Buyer’s journey
 – Is social media the best routine for the objective of Lead Generation
Are marketers viewing the objective wrong?
 – The signs show there are cracks in the modern marketer’s approach
 – Consistency provides real business impact
 – How should the modern marketer think and what does that mindset provide?
Recession-proofing your marketing mix
 – The problem / News
 – Being proactive vs. reactive creates resiliency
 – Balance your core value and adapt accordingly

Chris’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-law
Jordan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanwoolf/
Podcast Website: http://www.Challengtunity.com
Agency Website: http://www.AtriumDigital.com